Tuesday 30 October 2012


                                          Rule by Law vs. Rule by Majority

A Republic is representative government ruled by law the constitution.  A Democracy is direct government ruled by the majority .  A Republic recognizes the rights of individuals while democracy is only concerned with group needs. Lawmaking is a slow process in our constitution  requiring approval from the individual jurors. Democracies always self-destruct when the non-productive majority realizes that it can vote itself by electing the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury.

"Republic" is the proper description of our government, not "democracy". The key difference between a democracy and a republic lies in the limits placed on government by the law, which has implications on minority rights. Both forms of government tend to use a representational system where citizens vote to elect politicians to represent their interests and form the government. However, in a republic, a constitution of rights protects certain rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters.  

Signing of the US Constitution:A great political milestone in Human History
If we discuss about United States, it is a republic, distinct set of definitions for the word republic evolved in the United States. In common speech a republic is a state that does not practice direct democracy but rather has a government indirectly controlled by the people. This understanding of the term was originally developed by James Madison. This meaning was widely adopted early in the history of the United States, including in Noah Webster's dictionary of 1828. 

What exactly the writers of the constitution felt this should mean is uncertain. The Supreme Court, in Luther v. Borden (1849), declared that the definition of republic was a "political question" in which it would not occur.

So what really is the essential difference between a Republic and a Democracy?

A Democracy is fairly easy to define once we make a mental note of an important distinction between two very different ways the term democracy is used in popular discourse. One is the conception of democracy as a “popular-type” of government, someone like Paris Hilton would define it “Democracy is like the government, what the people want."

A Republic, on the other hand, is "basically a policy in which the political power that is exercised is somehow limited." In most modern republics, the basis of such a limitation is usually a rational-legal charter known as the Constitution. So a genuine republic means, in contemporary political context, a one that is bound by the values of its Constitution. But political thinkers  have refined and elaborated upon this basic framework to expound certain operative principles, which by  the doctrine of Necessary Implication, must of essence constitute a true republic. 

In short, very real sense that, Democracy is a great political achievement for Humanity. But only and only in conjunction with Republican ideals did Democracy lead to the promise of equality, liberty, fraternity and justice for all? It is for that reason that most politics in the world is today aspire to be Democratic Republics! 

Democracy strengthened the philosophical, moral and conceptual foundations of Republics all over the world and rooted the system of governance. The 'Democratic Republic' proved to be an engine of history that led it into an era of unprecedented freedom and dignity for a vast majority of mankind.

Monday 22 October 2012

Social Network n' Impacts

A social networking service is an online platform that focuses on creation of building of social relations among people who wish to share their own interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. A social network service contains a representation of each user and his/her social links, and many of  additional services. Mainly the social network services are web based or we can say in typical word "online" and provide means for users to interact over the internet.Online Communities are also sometimes considered as a social network service, though social network service usually refer to individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share their ideas, activities, events, and interests within their networks.If you are one of the hundreds of millions of people using social networks, there’s a good chance that you are linked to them through an online relationship. The information you share with your online contacts allows you to keep in touch without much effort. But who else is looking at that information? And how are they going to use it? This is the concern which must be discussed.

A new report revealed that hackers are increasingly targeting social networking services like Twitter and Facebook. Many employees who log on during the day at work might be causing information security risks at their companies.It also throws many  PC Problems.  But banning the technologies would be short-sighted.

  • Passwords
  • Bank account information
  • Credit card numbers
  • Information stored on a user’s computer such as contacts
  • Access to the user’s computer without his or her consent.
  • Infected softwares can be auto installed into the Registry Index.
Malware (malicious software) is a term that describes a wide range of programs that install on a user’s computer often through the use of trickery. Malware can spread quickly on a social network, infecting the computer of a user and then spreading to his or her contacts.  This is because the malware may appear to come from a trusted contact, and thus users are more likely to click on links and/or download malicious programs.The performance of is affected Then these malwares can only be deleted by special Protection Tools.

Fortunately, with impcsupport.com all of your fears and frustration regarding personal data  and information theft can be  eliminated.

I am the user of American-based services Facebook.Facebook, as usual its the most common and world famous social networking website. It will be not so much if we say that even the God also have the Facebook account,its not just because of its popularity,but its all just because of its flexible applications and apart from this its reliable security service which provides every user the feeling of isolation.

Lets discuss concerns about privacy, Facebook allows users to choose their own privacy settings and choose who can see specific parts of their profile. Users can control who sees other information they have shared, as well as who can find them in searches, through their privacy settings.
original facebook

As like Facebook, criminals may use social networks to connect with your computer systems and also access data.Important personal data is accessible through unauthorised sites, linked to social networks to one and all with little effort. Now a days every one is user of the computer and internet ,they all have the addiction of Social Networking, so they must use secured and licenced protection tools and online backup facility.

We all need to store sensitive data, share critical business information with our contacts and protect it.

impcsupport.com  free tech-support provides online technical help to the customers for there every single problem concerning security of the data.No matter what your occupation is and regardless of your industry affiliation impcsupport.com can help you.


 impcsupport.com  uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt information which is being exchanged between customer and organization. (Please remember: your personal data is as important as your credit card information). For more information on SSL, please visit the link – http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/S/SSL.html

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